
THE ROMAN STARS - Caesar's Conquest of the Galaxy

Created by Iván Brandon

Uneasy with normal daily life, Julius Caesar spends his later years chasing his own myth as he leads his army through the stars.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

8 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 08:47:53 AM

Some of you have gotten your orders already, a LOT of the orders are on their way to you. We brought so many packages to the post office they had to empty out the entire full drop-off vestibule just for us to fill it up AGAIN. (The post office definitely hates us.)

Here’s a surprise for you: we randomly upgraded a bunch of orders. We did it in an incredibly convoluted way that means WE don’t even know who got them. But about 10% of you got a special surprise version of the book we didn’t even advertise. Please tag us and let us know if you got lucky.

While we have you, about 15% of you haven’t filled out your survey, so please take a minute and do that, so we can get the rest of these orders out. 

THE ROMAN STARS v2 campaign is being assembled, and you’ll see it pretty soon. 

8 months ago – Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 12:18:41 PM

Surveys have begun going out, keep an eye out for an email from BACKERKIT. We've already begun fulfilling orders and are shipping books out immediately so the sooner you can get your shipping info nailed down, the sooner we can get you your books. The signed and remarqued copies obviously have to be signed and remarqued, so that'll take a little longer, but our team is coordinating time to get that all finished and out to you.

PS: we have ONE unclaimed remarque copy as we had a cancellation, so if you wanted one after the offer sold out, you can select it as an add-on in your survey. 

Our international pledges will be glad to know we dug around for the cheapest method and for Canada specifically the cost to ship 1 book and 10 books are pretty similar, so feel free to look at the Add-on options. 

The books look beautiful, we're so excited to get them out into the world. Thank you for all your support and keep your eyes open for the campaign for Volume 2.

SURVEYS + Digital downloads
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 08, 2023 at 12:48:54 PM

We haven't sent the backerkit surveys out yet because we want to double and triple check shipping costs so there isn't any confusion for anyone (including us!) but we're going to lock that all down this coming week so we can start sending them out AND (more importantly maybe?) get everyone who ordered books their digital editions to get you all excited for volume 2. 

The books look great, the digital edition looks great, heck, even the socks look great. We've gotten so much positive feedback from everyone who's read (or even just seen) the book and we're flying pretty high right now and excited to show you what's next. 

More news next week!

Gratitude from a long road (and air) trip.
10 months ago – Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 10:52:50 AM

We're in Oregon, breaking bread with friends, and this video just came in from the printer. We're pretty overwhelmed by how you've helped us give tangible form to our crazy ideas.

We're grateful for you. It means so much more than we can ever say. Thank you. 

Backerkit Surveys coming soon
10 months ago – Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 03:37:54 AM

We've teamed up with Backerkit to handle our fulfillment surveys. This means a couple cool things- for folks who forgot to alter their orders to add on other items, you're gonna get another chance. And for folks who've been asking: you will also get a 2nd chance to place a NEW order up til our survey deadline. We made a book for people to read, and we're going to do everything we can to help as many people as possible read it. Keep your eyes peeled for the survey.